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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
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SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Jazz Seen' gave the following results:

59 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums): Show all 59 matching titles
2 matches in composers
  1. Jazz Jury, The
  2. Whit Smith's Hot Jazz Caravan

2375 matches in tracks
  1. Jazz Friends (04:19)
    from Ma Quando Arrivano Le Ragazze?
    Temi Jazz di Giovanni Tommaso
  2. Easy Jazz In New York (fiati jazz) (03:42)
    from Tassinaro A New York, Un
  3. Easy Jazz In New York (fiati jazz) (03:42)
    from Botta Di Vita, Una
  4. Apertura in jazz (Jazz Overture) (03:55)
    from Legge Dei Gangsters, La
  5. Zigeuner Jazz / Gypsy Jazz (02:06)
    from Peer Raben
  6. Jazz Graphics No. 5 (02:32)
    from Jazz Graphics
    1-5 Derrick Mason JAZZ GRAPHICS
  7. Jazz Graphics No. 5 (02:32)
    from Spy Set, The
    1-5 Derrick Mason JAZZ GRAPHICS
  8. Free jazz in the street (free jazz) (03:08)
    from Moglie Giapponese, La
  9. Little Jazz (02:52)
    from Dino
  10. Nobody And Nothing – Jazz (04:02)
    from Whisperers, The
  11. Nobody And Nothing – Jazz (04:02)
    from Equus
  12. No Jazz (03:23)
    from Bottle Rocket
  13. You Like Jazz? (01:21)
    from Collateral
  14. Nobody and Nothing Jazz (00:00)
    from Whisperers, The
  15. Nobody and Nothing Jazz (04:01)
    from Whisperers, The
  16. Car Jazz* (02:00)
    from Somewhere In Time
  17. Jazz Along Alone (03:11)
    from Ipcress File, The
  18. Jazz In Bb (03:06)
    from Edmond
  19. No Jazz! (00:00)
    from Mille Chilometri Al Minuto!
  20. No Jazz! (00:00)
    from Stasera Niente Di Nuovo
Show all 2375 matching tracks